Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Fresh Beginning

On Monday at work, I typed on my computer these words:

Lord Jesus, what do you want me to do?

My inquiry related to work so the reply was a little unexpected, but I typed it anyhow.

"Get up at 6:00 am and spend time with me."

"What would we do?" was my typed reply. I sensed "Read Taylor, MadDonald and Brand."

For three days straight, I've been getting up a little earlier to spend time with Jesus. Nothing earthshaking...I've followed the plan and the time really has meant something to me (and I suspect to Him as well). I confess that I really need encouragement to continue in this way. It's not easy going to bed early (I really should be in bed now) and its not easy getting up so early, but it has been soooo worth it. I know its not essential but more and more, I reallly would like to become a man of prayer...intentional prayer. Even now, its easy to read in the morning but not so easy to pray. In fact, reading Hudson Taylor's life story has stoked my prayer fire even more. Oh, how I want to be a man of prayer as he was! I feel like I'm at a place where the Lord wants to take the next step in regard to prayer in my life. I love that! I love that He is never satisfied and is always calling us to more encounters with Him!

Lately, I'm constantly feeling this sense of urgency that life is short and there is so much of Him to take in and so much of Him to share with others. I think the "how" of the longings of my heart somehow begins with prayer. How I need to keep going in the mornings with Him! I encourage any of you to encourage me in this. I don't want to be legalistic about it, but as I said before, these times have meant something to me (and I suspect to Him as well).


sandy said...

At least he gave you the time of 6:00; when I asked him a couple of weeks ago what time he would like me to get up to spend time with him, the reply was a definite 5:30. No cajoling would convince him otherwise. I usually ask him to wake me up in the morning so I won't wake up the rest of the household ie. sleeping children. One evening we had the computer monitor on all night. At exactly 5:28 it went to stand-by, at which moment a very piercing and if colors can be loud --then loud, blinking light switched on and woke me from my slumber. "That was a good one, Lord." I knew the source of the timing on that one. I got up excited that he cared enough to alter my environment so I could start my day with him. And I identify with how hard it is sometimes to get up. You would think that after an experience like the one I described or after seeing the fruit during the day that some time well spent with him bears, that I would be hopping out of bed and dancing down the stairs. Not so. The sleep demons beckon at that time of day. But I do think that if you make known your heart to the Lord on this matter, he will practically make this happen. And if on some occasions it doesn't happen. (Those blasted sleep demons.) Then make your disappointment and desire for more of him known too. Well, that's what I've got.

Anonymous said...


Sometimes I wish God didn't speak to me. It would make disobeying a lot simpler.

Christopher Taylor said...


5:30 eh? I'm so glad to know that when I get up, you will be seeking His face, too. Oh, wait a minute. I just realized something. 5:30 Pacific Time is actually 7:30 Central Time. I'm so sorry Sister, but in order for us to seek Him simulteneously, you will have to begin at 4:00 am Pacific!

Really, thanks so much for your encouragement and counsel. I really mean means a lot to me.

cindyred60 said...

I can actually help you with this one! Find a place where you can see the sky. In the AM, there are meteors as long as the sky is clear, always at least 2-3 an hour...sometimes dozens... sometimes ones as bright as fireworks. I go up on my roof deck but a patio, window, or backyard will do. I almost always get up at 4:00 to pray. Get to bed by 9:30, take a 10-15 min nap/pray in the afternoon and you are set with enough sleep and time with the Beloved.

I have a thermos with hot tea ready. Sometimes music, sometimes taped bible, sometimes quiet, sometimes I dance, sometimes I do sit -ups ...always He meets me, always He wakes me up:)