Saturday, March 22, 2008

Music, Music, Music!

I love music, I truly do. I believe that God gave us music as a mechanism to somehow touch Him. In fact, often I find myself touched by music in a way that's difficult to describe. I love all sorts of musical styles and genres, but usually those with strictly a Christian flair. Lately, I've been listening to classical, instrumental music in the form of the sound track to the movie Finding Neverland. The great thing about movie soundtracks (especially for novices like me) is that they usually have a constant running melody that pervades the entire cd. I like that. My spirit feels rewarded and somehow reassured whenever this melody is revealed from time to time.

There are two things that the Lord has revealed to me about this type of music. First, ALL of the music has significance. I find myself especially moved emotionally when the orchestra reaches that break out moment when the music is unmistakably noticeable and breathtaking...those wow moments when you think, "Wow, that was gorgeous." However, we can't miss the music in between those "wow moments." The music is always at work in soundtracks like may seem like background music that is more subtle and subdued, but it is just as important and lovely. In fact, the loveliness of the subtle music enhances the beauty and often leads up to and builds up to those "wow moments."

This is the Christian life. God is always working in our lives and much of the time, it may seem like His work is not all that He's working in the background. However, His daily working in and through us is what makes our life beautiful and occasionally leads to moments where His presence and impact is undeniable and we just say "Wow, look at what God did! And then we realize that He was there the whole time working and bringing us to this present moment that we know has no possible explanation but God, Himself. He's the music of our lives and ALL of the music has significance.

Second, there is something significant to the playing of the music. Each piece of the orchestra is wonderfully unique and has its own part to play in the musical piece. Further, the music that each instrument plays is typically unique. Flutes play different notes and in different tempo than the french horns or the trumpets, but they are all playing TOGETHER simultaneously. The differences of the instruments and the music that they play, but as they are played at the same time often results in those big, wonderful "wow moments." Get this, the trumpet and its music is special and unique, the violin and its music is special and unique, but the orchestra is meant to be played TOGETHER. The beauty and magnificence of the French horn is maximized and at its peak when it takes its place in harmony with the greater whole. I don't find French horn solos all that compelling, but a French horn can hit a poignant note in the midst of a powerful orchestra movement that can bring tears to my eyes. I think we possess the capacity to appreciate music in this way, because it is reflected in our own lives and within the Church.

Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12, along with Ephesians 2 (no doubt other passages) beautifully describe the body of Christ as a unit made up of many special and unique parts. In like manner, the beauty of the individual Christian is glorified (or shown off) as he/she takes his/her place with the other members. As we are fit together (1 Peter 2), God's music is played and its beauty is compelling and indescribably good (b/c He is)....much more so than the solo Christianity that has become so prevalent and is no more compelling than a French horn solo. Fittingly, it took a lunch with another Brother for the Lord to reveal this truth fully to me. Oh, how we need each other! I have linked to the soundtrack for your enjoyment!


Anonymous said...

We are so alike in our love for music, and I think it's probably because you helped develop this love in me! I think I have always felt an attraction to music, but I have countless memories of being introduced to new, more powerful feelings of amazement and wonder for the Lord brought upon by listening to a song or two in your car. I know that SEVERAL times you acted in God's plan, allowing me to hear the precisely right words at exactly placed times in my life. Another amazing thing about the Lord! You would be hard presssed to convince me that HE wasn't seeking me out at those times in the most perfect fashion, a way HE knew would reach me. You are wonderful and so is your blog!!

Christopher Taylor said...


How encouraging! Thank you. You are one of my favorite people to share music with b/c I know how it blesses you...much as it does me. I thought of you the other day when listening to a new David Crowder cd called Remedy. I was comparing it in depth and enjoyment to JesusFreak and thought of you. :)