Monday, March 31, 2008

My wondeful boy!

My son is six and I really love him. Today is opening day for major league baseball and Ben and I played catch for the first time. We've attempted it in the past, but today we really played. It was so much fun.

As indicated above, we have tried to play in the past, but it was more like a game of "throw and run after the baseball." Today I threw the ball and he caught it. He threw the ball and I caught it. We talked and enjoyed each other as we threw and caught. It was an emotional experience as I realized that this is yet another indication that he is growing up. I find myself in a paradox of wanting to preserve the present, yet being delighted with each new experience. God is good.


hoesayfina said...

a very sweet post. i love you.-m

Danny Taylor said...

Chris I can remember those days as if it was yesterday. You are a WONDERFUL Dad and Maria a WONDERFUL Mom. I love You, Dad.