Friday, April 4, 2008

Hudson Taylor

Hudson Taylor lived from 1832 to 1905 and is considered by most to be largely responsible for opening China to the ministry of Jesus Christ. He was a remarkable man who founded the China Inland Mission. Hudson Taylor's son wrote a book called Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret and Dr. Howard Taylor described the secret to his father's amazing life as follows:
What was the secret, we may well ask, of such a life? Hudson Taylor had many secrets, for he was always going on with God, yet they were but one--the simple, prfound secret of drawing for every need, temporal or spiritual, upon the fathomless wealth of Christ. To find out how he did this, and to make our own his simple, practical attitude toward spiritual things, would solve our problems and ease our burdens, so that we too might become all that God would make us.. We want, we need, we may have, Hudson Taylor's secret and his success, for we have Hudson Taylor's bible and his God.
Preceeding these words was written this simple poem, which I presume is from the perspective of our precious Lord:

Bear not a single care thyself, One is too much for thee;
The work is mine, and mine alone;

Thy work---to rest in Me.

I'd like to claim this man as a blood relative (same last name) but I, naturally, have no proof. Of course, if I ever get proof, many of you will be the first to know! Does anyone see a family resemblance?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, that's encouraging, thank you.